Why Joining Herbalife As a Preferred Customer is a Smart Choice https://nl.herbahelp.com/become-herbalife-preferred-customer /-{If you enjoy Herbalife products and want to get the most out of them, becoming a Herbalife Preferred Customer is a smart choice.|Herbalife's Preferred Customers program is the best choice if you love Herbalife and want to make sure that they are getting all of their benefits.} {The program offers a wide variety of benefits including access to exclusive promotions and rewards.|This program provides a variety of rewards and promotions, including exclusive offers.} {However, preferred customers cannot resell Herbalife products or sponsor new members and they must pay an annual fee.|Preferred customers are not allowed to resell Herbalife or recruit new members. They must also pay an annual membership fee.} 1. {Access to Herbalife Nutrition Products|Herbalife Nutrition Products} {Preferred Members use Herbalife products for ...